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The Top 10 Sex Toys Under $30

We always hear about all the positives we can get from sex toys. A more intimate relationship, stronger orgasms, longer orgasms, more orgasms! Yet we don't get too much information about what it might cost us to up the pleasure in our lives.

Whether you're new to sex toys and don't want to spend too much, you're on a sexy student budget or you're just looking for something small to spice things up, there are plenty of inexpensive sex toys for all. Sometimes what makes an orgasm even more satisfying that your bank account is still looking healthy.

Choosing the right sex toy can is an important decision when you're saving. The fact that you're reading this article means you've got your priorities in the right place! When it comes to inexpensive sex toys, they're usually not going to have all the fancy shmancy features that other products have. So what you see or read is what you will get. If you are saving and find that your spending habits are in a financially smart but boring routine, a sex toy can be that treat each that makes everything a bit brighter.

Top 10 Sex Toys Under $30

There are plenty of sex toys out there for anyone whose banging on a budget. To help in making up your mind, here's ten of the best sex toys under $30 from a range of categories.


If there's any sex toy that's going to make you question the timeless quote "money can't buy happiness" it's probably going to be a vibrator. The Amore has ten functions for when she wants it slow or fast. Whilst this Wallbangers Deluxe Bunny fuses penetration with clitoral stimulation.


The Pdx Fill Her Up! is a classic. Mimicking higher priced masturbators, the sensations this sex toy provides is awesome for it's price. It also comes with a sample pack of lube and cleaner for any inexperienced users. On the other hand, or probably the same hand is Sasha Greys Deep Throat Sucker. If you ever wanted a blowjob from the porn star herself, now's your chance!

Cock Rings

Cock rings are sex toys that not only prolong ejaculation, but also prolong the cash coming out of your wallet. This Ass Gasm Cockring Plug stimulates you at both ends to up your pleasure and performance. Whilst this Red Chrome Ring provides sensations to both partners as it angles to your partner.


Juggling sex toy finances can be a slippery slope, hopefully that's because you've got plenty of lube! Lube is an awesome way to make our sex life more enjoyable. Pairing it with any penetration or even a handjob is a cheap alternative to take things from good to great. Wet Stuff Gold is a popular choice, buying in bulk makes sure you or your bank account won't dry out. If your looking to heat things up, Fleshlube Fire provides insatiable warming sensations upon contact.


There are plenty of bondage toys that won't cost you arm an a leg, but they still might be tied up. Usually cheaper bondage sex toys just have different materials to the high-end stuff. This usually means that the items will be made from faux leather or the toys themselves are more suited for bondage beginners. So if you're looking for an equally economical and erogenous experience this Fifty Shades of Grey Soft Blindfold Twin Pack or Ff Extreme Hog Tie Set are the way to go.

Make your toys last!

If you'd like to get as many bangs for your bucks as possible. Look after your sex toys properly! Sex toy hygiene keeps you safe from any nasty infections or bacteria build up. This won't cost you too much extra and once you know what you're doing will take the best of five minutes.

If you're new to selecting adult toys and are unsure about how to get the most out of your funds. Feel free to contact Adulttoymegastore's customer service team to see what is the best option for you.

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